
The website dedicated to all variants of the F-111

F-111 production list and aircraft history. 63-9766 to 68-0180.

63-9766/9782 General Dynamics F-111A MSN A1-01/18. 

9766 preserved at Air Force Flight Test Center Museum Airpark, Edwards AFB, California. 
9767 2nd F-111A built. 2/25/65: First flight. 2/26/65: TOS USAF. Served as prototype, intended for use in testing navigation and engine systems. 1965: Loaned to General Dynamics as a testbed for the MK-1 NAV/Attack system. 1966: Loaned to Pratt & Whitney for use as an engine/intake testbed. Engines removed. 12/69: Transported via surface to 3345th Maintenance and Supply Group (Air Training Command), Chanute AFB, IL. Redesignated GF-111A. 1974: Displayed in Thunderbird Air Park, Chanute AFB, IL. 1993: Chanute Air Museum, Chanute AFB (ex-), Rantoul, IL. 12/17-18/15: When Chanute Air Museum closed in 2015, aircraft was transported via surface to Warbird Heritage Foundation, Waukegan, IL airport. 12/18/15 to 9/17: Reassembled and restored for display. Ca.9/16: Mounted on posts and displayed at the Lake County Veteran’s Memorial, Waukegan, IL Airport. 
9768 (MSN A1-03) used for ground training at Sheppard AFB as GF-111A. Named "City of Graham" with Sheppart TTC, Texas in Oct 1988. Shipped to RAAF Amberley for ground training in 1995. Later at RAAF Wagga in New South Wales used for ground training. Scrapped and fuselage buried at Swanbank landfill site near Ipswich Nov 2011. 
9769 first F-111 with working pivot pylons. Crashed May 18, 1968 during low-speed flyby at airshow at Holloman AFB. Crew did not eject but were not injured. Did not fly again. 
9770 used to test Vulcan 20-mm gun and the electronic warfare systems. Ended up at Sheppard AFB as a ground trainer. Reported as being preserved at McClellan AFB and at Sheppard AFB. May have been disposed of. Details? 
9771 assigned to NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards AFB, CA. Used on evaluating problems with the early F-111A for the Air Force and Navy. Was on display at Cannon AFB, New Mexico on pedestal painted with tail number "27-234" in 1976. Repainted in 1997 with correct serial number. 
9772 (MSN A1-07) used for ground training at Sheppard AFB. Named "city of Frederick" with Sheppard TTC, Texas in Oct 1988. May have been scrapped in dump at Sheppard AFB in 1991. 9773 used for ground training at Sheppard AFB as GF-111A. Now on display on G Ave at Sheppard AFB, Texas. 
9774 crashed Jan 19, 1967, Edwards AFB due to incorrect wing sweep setting during landing. Crew not injured, but pilot went around to unfasten the WSO. Pilot was standing in a pool of JP4 fuel which ignited and killed him. 
9775 (GF-111A) used for ground training at Sheppard AFB. Named "City of Vernon" with Sheppard TTC, Texas Oct 1988. Now on a pedestal at US Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, Alabama. 
9776 converted to RF-111A recon aircraft. On display at Mountain Home AFB, Idaho as 66-0022, the tail number of the first F-111 lost in Southeast Asia. 
9777 assigned to NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards AFB, CA. Used on evaluating problems with the early F-111A for the Air Force and Navy. Was first example fitted with ejection module. To AMARC as FV0008 Jul 29, 1971. To Fritz Enterprises, Taylor, MI Apr 1, 1997. May have been scrapped. 
9778 to Dryden Flight Research Facility. Converted to NF-111A testbed. Was NASA Transonic Aircraft Technology Test Aircraft 1972, and later as Advanced Fighter Technology Integration aircraft in 1986. The supercritical wing improved the performance of the TACT F-111A. Preserved and on display at the Air Force Flight Test Center Museum, Edwards Air Force Base, CA, on loan fro National Museum of USAF.
9779 to MASDC as FV0013 Dec 7, 1972. Declared excess Dec 12, 1975. To McClellan AFB, CA Feb 7, 1983. Back to AMARC as FV0022 Feb 12, 1990. To Fritz Enterprises, Taylor, MI Apr 1, 1997. Believed to have been scrapped. 
9780 1965: TOS USAF. By 10/67: General Dynamics, Ft. Worth, TX. Crashed Oct 19, 1967 Jacksboro, TX after hydraulic failure made the aircraft un- controllable. Crew ejected safely, the two occupants remained in the module as it parachuted to earth and were not injured. First crew escape module use. Escape pod from 63-9780 on display at WPAFB museum by 1996. 
9781 to MASDC as FV0012 Sept 29, 1972. To Fritz Enterprises, Taylor, MI Apr Apr 1, 1997. Believed to have been scrapped. 
9782 to MASDC as FV0001 Mar 3, 1970. To Rome Air Development Center, NY March 18, 1975, where it was reconfigured as EF-111A. In late 1975 reconfigured as FB-111A. Dropped from inventory as salvage July 31, 1975. Still used as a test bed at Rome Air Development Center. 9767,9768,9770,9772,9773,9775 converted to GF-111A. 
63-9783 General Dynamics YFB-111A Was originally the last pre-production F-111A. Doesn't seem that this was ever a flying aircraft To MASDC as FV0016 Dec 15, 1971. Converted to FB-111A at MASDC. Declared excess Dec 9, 1976. To Fritz Enterprises, Taylor, MI Apr 1, 1997. May have been scrapped 1997. The AF took it back, and it arrived at the 8AF Museum at Barksdale AFB, LA. to be made into a "FB" for static display. (1999). Seen in 2020 parked at Turner Army Surplus Store and Museum in New Boston Texas.

65-5701/5710 General Dynamics F-111A MSN A1-19/28. 

5701 crashed Jan 2, 1968 Edwards AFB due to weapons gun bay fire. Crew ejected safely, using the ejection module. 
5702 to MASDC as FV0003 Oct 6, 1970. On display on engine test rig FAA Atlantic City NJ.
5703 crashed during spin tests Sept 11, 1972, Edwards AFB. Crew ejected safely. 
5704 to MASDC Mar 11, 1971 as FV0006. To Fritz Enterprises Apr 1, 1997, presumably for scrap. 
5705 to MASDC Jan 7, 1971 as FV0005. To Fritz Enterprises Apr 1, 1997, presumably for scrap. 
5706 to MASDC as FV0011 Mar 19, 1972, returned to service. Back to AMARC Feb 12, 1990 as FV0023. Forward half of fuselage used to rebuild 68-0082. 
5707 to MASDC Jan 5, 1972 as FV0009. To Fritz Enterprises Apr 1, 1997, presumably for scrap. 
5708 to MASDC Mar 30, 1971 as FV0007. To Fritz Enterprises Apr 1, 1997, presumably for scrap. 
5709 to MASDC Jan 5, 1972 as FV0024, returned to service. Back to AMARc as FV0024 Feb 12, 1990. To Fritz Enterprises Apr 1, 1997, presumably for scrap. 
5710 to MASDC June 27, 1975 as FV0015, returned to service. Back to AMARC as FV0028 Jul 2, 1990. To Fritz Enterprises Apr 1, 1997, presumably for scrap.

66-0011/0058 General Dynamics F-111A MSN A1-29/76.
0011 to AMARC Nov 30, 1970. To Calverton, NY Jan 2, 1986. Used for FB-111A weapons test. 
0012 converted to GF-111A. Was preserved at Battle Mountain APT, Nevada. The Washington County Veterans Association of Brenham, TX obtained the airplane and brought it there in 2016 for restoration. It was in awful shape. Painted as 67-0068, which was shot down over Noth Vietname, and the crew ejected in the capsule and became POW. Now located at Brenham MAP Memorial Park. 
0013 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-09). To AMARC as FV0331 May 26, 1998. Still on AMARC inventor Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Dec 10, 2010. Up for bid as scrap. 
0014 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-12). To AMARC May 19, 1998 as FV0328. Still on AMARC inventor Jan 15, 2008. TO HVF West, Tucson, AZ Jan 4, 2013. Scrapped. 
0015 (MSN A1-33) converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-13). To AMARC Apr 9, 1998 as FV0317. Held for spare for RAAF F-111s until they were all scrapped. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Sep 4, 2013. Scrapped. 
0016 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-10). Credited for Iraqi Mirage F1 kill Jan 17, 1991 after forcing the chasing aircraft to impact the ground. Now on display at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. 0017 Delivered Nov 28, 1967. Lost in Thailand, Combat Lancer Mar 30, 1968 Crew ejected safely and were recovered. Cause was a foreign object lodged in pitch/ roll mixer assembly, rendering the aircraft uncontrollable. Aircraft wreckage recovered and buried at Takhli RTAFB. 
0018 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-11). To AMARC as FV0335 Jun 11, 1998. Still on AMARC inventor Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Dec 10, 2010. Up for bid as scrap. 
0019 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-06). To AMARC Apr 14, 1998 as FV0318. Still on AMARC inventor Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Dec 20, 2010. Up for bid as scrap. 
0020 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-05). To AMARC as FV0322 Apr 28. 1998. Still on AMARC inventor Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Mar 17, 2011. Scrapped. 
0021 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-07). To AMARC Apr 21, 1998 as FV0321. Still on AMARC inventor Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Mar 16, 2011, scrapped. 
0022 (474th TFW, 428th TFS) lost in S.E. Asia Mar 28, 1968. First combat-related F-111 loss. Crew killed. 
0023 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-17). Crashed Feb 14, 1991 with 42nd ECS, Saudi Arabia. Crew of 2 killed. Crashed during combat maneuvering while being mistakenly targeted by F-15. Story in Apr 2008 AFM says that the aircraft was damaged by ground fire over Iraq and crew nursed the aircraft back across Saudi Arabia border and ejected, but neither survived. 
0024 (474th TFW, 428th TFS) crashed in north Thailand April 22, 1968, Combat Lancer. Crew killed. Cause of loss uncertain. 
0025 crashed June 20, 1975 on Nellis AFB runway when third stage fan blade failed causing inflight fire. 
0026 crashed Mar 13, 1984 at Mountain Home AFB before being modified to EF-111A. Crew killed. 
0027 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-08). To AMARC as FV0336 Jun 19, 1998. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Mar 17, 2011. Scrapped. 
0028 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-28). To AMARC as FV0310 Mar 20, 1998. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Mar 16, 2011. Scrapped. 
0029 crashed Sept 1, 1971 near Van Horn, TX. 
0030 converted to EF-111A Raven (MSN EF-36). Named "Mild 'n Bitter Home Brew" with 42nd ECS at RAF Upper Heyford in 1977/78. After mishap Mar 24, 1978, was repaired. To AMARC May 5, 1998 as FC0324. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Mar 16, 2011. Scrapped. 
0031 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-04). To AMARC Apr 7, 1998 as FV0315. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ May 10, 2011, scrapped. 
0032 crashed and destroyed 8 May 1968, Nellis AFB. 
0033 converted to EF-111A Raven (MSN EF-24). Named "Excalibur" with 42nd ECS at RAF Upper Heyford in 1977/78. To AMARC Aug 8, 1997 as FV0304. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ May 20, 2011, scrapped. 
0034 crashed and destroyed 6 June 1975 at Peach Spring, AZ. 
0035 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-20). To AMARC Sept 16, 1997 as FV0305. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Mar 15, 2011, scrapped. 
0036 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-33). To AMARC May 5, 1998 as FV0325. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Dec 10, 2011. Up for bid as scrap. 
0037 converted to EF-111A Raven (MSN EF-21). Named "Prowler" with 42nd ECS at RAF Upper Heyford in 1977/78. To AMARC as FV0330 May 20, 1998. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Feb 28, 2001. Scrapped. 
0038 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-27). Suffered a catastrophic failure to the wing carry through box during a Cold Proof Load Test(ground testing) in Dec 1991 at SM-ALC, McClellan AFB. Remnants remained at McClellan. To AMARC as FV0307 Oct 3, 1997. To DRMO Sep 25, 2003. Probably to HVF West, Tucson, AZ. 
0039 converted to EF-111A Raven (MSN EF-25). Named "Sorcerer's Apprenticer" with 42nd ECS at RAF Upper Heyford in 1977/78. To AMARC Mar 10, 1998 as FV0308. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Aug 26, 2013. Scrapped.
0040 (474th TFW) crashed and destroyed 23 September 1968 due to control system failure, Nellis AFB, NV. Crew ejected safely, 
0041 /13/68: first flight. 8/17/68: TOS USAF. 8/68: 442nd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron, 474th Tactical Fighter Wing, Nellis AFB, NV. Ca.1976: Second F-111A converted to EF-111A Raven (MSN EF-02). 5/17/77: First flight of fully equipped EF-111A. 1977: Detachment 3, Tactical Air Warfare Center, Mountain Home AFB, ID for operational test and evaluation. 1977: 42nd Electronic Combat Squadron, 20th Tactical Fighter Wing, RAF Upper Heyford, England. Named "Thumber: 1981: 4485th Test Squadron, Eglin AFB, FL. 11/81: 390th ECS, 366th TFW, Mountain Home AFB, ID Ca.1983: 42nd ECS, 20th TFW, RAF Upper Heyford, England 4/86: 429th ECS, 27th FW, Cannon AFB, NM. To AMARC Sept 16, 1997 as FV0306. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ May 10, 2011 for scrapping. 
0042 crashed and destroyed 12 February 1969. Flew into mountain in NV due to terrain following radar failure. Crew killed. 
0043 crashed and destroyed 4 Mar 1969 Nellis AFB, NV. 
0044 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-14). Originally not planned for conversion to EF-111A until 66-0026 crashed. Crashed June 1996 near Tucumcari, NM. Crew ejected safely. 
0045 crashed May 13, 1982, Saylor Creek due to loss of control. 
0046 (MSN A1-64) converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-18). To AMARC as FV0334 Jun 2, 1998. Still at AMARC Jan 15, 2008. Held as spare for the RAAF F-111s until they were all scrapped. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Sep 3, 2013. Scrapped. 
0047 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-15). Used as testbed for System Improvement Program at Eglin AFB. Involved in some sort of accident 6/18/1996 with 85th TES) and w/o and used as maintenance trainer and for aircraft battle damage repair training. Sat derelict at Cannon AFB in bad shape. Was sitting in a lot near Mojave airport. In 2011 was at Silver Springs, NV airport. Currently undergoing restoration by Cactus Air Force Wings and Wheels Museum, Carson City, Nevada. 
0048 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-29). Named “Horse with No Name” with 42nd ECS in January 1992. To AMARC Apr 1, 1998 as FV0314. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Jan 4, 2013. Scrapped. 
0049 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-01). To AMARC. Now on display at Mountain Home AFB, Idaho. 
0050 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-30). Named “Mistress of Deception” with 42nd ECS in January 1992. To AMARC Apr 1, 1998 as FV0311. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008, To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Jan 8, 2013. Scrapped. 
0051 (MSN A1-69) converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-03). To AMARC as FV0332 May 26, 1998. Held as spare for RAAF F-111s until they were all scrapped. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Feb 14, 2013. Scrapped. 
0052 crashed July 31, 1979, Mountain Home AFB. Both crew killed. 
0053 to AMARC as FV0037 Sep 19, 1990. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Feb 28, 2001. Scrapped. 
0054 crashed April 13, 1983, Mountain Home AFB due to engine fire. 
0055 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-37). Named "Boomerang" with 42nd ECS at RAF Upper Heyford in 1988. To AMARC May 12, 1998 as FV0326. Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008. To HVF West, Tucson, AZ Dec 10, 2010. Up for bid as scrap. 
0056 converted to EF-111A Raven (EF-23). Crashed April 2, 1992 (29th TFW, 42nd ECS) at Finmere UK due to fuel duct failure. Crew ejected safely. 
0057 Ca.1968: TOS USAF. Ca.1976: Converted to EF-111A Raven (MSN EF-41) Ca. 1977: 390th Electronic Combat Squadron, 366th Tactical Fighter Wing, Mountain Home AFB, ID 10/10/85: 42nd ECS, 66th Electronic Combat Wing, RAF Upper Heyford. Named "Special Delivery" 11/89: 390th ECS, 366th TFW, Mountain Home AFB, ID Ca.8/90 to Ca.2/91: Flew missions in the Middle East during Operation Desert Storm based at Taif, Saudi Arabia. UNK: 429th ECS, 27th FW, Cannon AFB, NM Ferried Jul 1998 to National Museum of the USAF, Dayton, OH for display.
0058 crashed Oct 7, 1975 Nellis range. Both crew killed.